Monday 20 June 2016

I just had my shower and am so in haste because i was running late for work. i am in my closet still thinking what will be appropriate for Monday. I smiled as i saw my pink lacy bra that Leo gave me on valentine's day. Its funny right, that i love looking at myself in fr the  morrow when in my undies, but sorry i do. ''no baby it's not crazy. you look beautiful'' Leo said. I did not even realize I had spoken out loud. Awww!!. ''Leo, what are you doing here?'' I smiled and hugged him. His bear hug keeps me wanting more. well we kissed. "not sure of what to wear right?" he asked and slowly danced funnily to my chiffon sections and handed me a pink tunic top, with a black tight fitting jeans and a peach color stilettos with the purse to match. "Ama marry you cos you so amazing". mu-aah, i pecked him as Amadi opened the door to the car  and he winked while i wined up. 
My secretary was at the door of my office with loads of files for me. I hope the presentation goes well because different CEO's were coming for that meeting and i really want to impress them so that they partner with us. well, I picked up my call ''Amanda on the line'' always said that. It's almost becoming a cliche now but a girl have to do some introductions right?. The board room looked almost the same except the art work that recently came in from Ajuwon gallery massive and impressive. It inspires and reduces the tension in the room. My mind flew back to my boyfriend and i smiled. That kind of smile you have that when asked you simply laugh because you can't just say. I was called up for my presentation. As the last slide came up i said"we want to come to a point where people use our brand name as a verb because to Meg Whitman, that is remarkable and i totally agree" I was applauded and my boss smiled which is rear.

 Lagos traffic can frustrate even the most patient man on earth. Third mainland bride was lined up with all kinds of vehicles moving slowly like an old woman as usual. Leo called to cancel our diner appointment so there was very little excitement going home only that i get to crash early.
As i entered the house the scent of well made jalouf rice flooded the entire house. i rushed to the kitchen and there he was. You know that feeling right? too much joy. i jumped behind him and he turned and kissed me on mi head then the bear hug.........



Just like many start up with right intentions and motives, TIGA DAM located at Kano was created with the intentions of irrigation for farme...