Friday 23 September 2016


He looked at me with obvious distaste and anger. I wanted to inquire but I got my answers, "all these yeye girls. you go around messing with aristos and drive anyhow like say una own the road. pack well before i change am for you." I quietly did as I was told but venom filled my heart. How dare he even say that? how could he? I packed properly and came out of my car. I stood  with my shoulders propped up, hands akimbo and I called, "please may I know why you felt you could say all of those misguided statements and go score free?. do you have any idea who I am...? he just stared at me while I talked and shook his head.

His eyes roam from my left hand to the right. As though searching for something. He eyed me thereafter and hissed. "officer attend to that girl!,"  he spat out the girl with such distaste.He turned around and looked me up and down, down and up, shook his head again, hissed very loudly and left. "don't cry okay. its fine. you can go." The other officer was surprisingly nice. I wiped the tear drop, entered my car and drove off.

As I walked into my two bed room flat I had recently rented, i had a program i had to catch.I walked into my bed room, sat down and the previous hours flooded me then.  There, i suddenly realize I was alone. I had no boy friend no serious relationship. I got scared and I clung hard to my pillow as though drawing strength. Tears held down flowed freely now. i simply can't accept Henry, he is so immature, Daniel annoying, Luke does't get it and kelvin is a man-whore but maybe i have to somehow make a decision otherwise i might just end up alone. i was so scared. i heard a vibration in my bag, i quickly rushed to check it, it was the man-whore. yeah i know i have to do something about my being single but definitely not kelvin.  why do all kelvins seem to act alike?,  touch their heads, lick their lips all the while reminding me of  Jeri coco Randy in JENIVAs voice.  I smiled despite my self. 

I got up and walked to the kitchen to fix dinner. I had cooked soup and fish stew over the weekend and now I don't have appetite but i need to eat something. I quickly made my ola-ola and heated my vegetable soup with large chunk of meat. I had just got a raise at work had to say that before I get accused again. ill! really don't want to remember that brute. I showered quickly, wore my olay body mist and bird print mini-shirt and sat down to Moment with Mo. more than ever, I wanted desperately to sleep and I know the only way I can somehow try to achieve this is to forget so had to forgive the lasma man grudgingly and said a silent prayer.

It was six by the time i got up. my meeting was for 12. I wore my ankara gown and a brown wedge hills sandals  I had recently added to my collection. i danced around to Wayne wonders 'bounce along' while i lunched my orange lipstick after all that's the new black. *wink* yeah that. i listened to a program about entrepreneurs on the radio. the road was free slightly. it was not helping that much so i played a loud music and danced to Shakiras 'whenever, wherever'. Ciaras '1,2 step' was playing next and my spirit was lifted a lil bit. Henry,  was calling. He asked me to please come out for a date with him. As it is now sha, maybe ama try and deal with immaturity a lil bit. "well fine. pick me up by 6 from the office okay" i said with my sweetest voice. ladies you know. but you wouldn't imagine his reply. "oh come on baby. try and come on your own okay. will be waiting for you at Majesty's Kitchen. you know i have to make reservations.?" "well fine" i said and he didn't get it. if you know what i mean. I seem to be getting more relationship advice lately. please o. am only 29years. done serving and blessed with a job i so love. i just got favored. so i had like that people stop looking at me like having a car and a good job is a big crime. i am super happy i have my money jare.!!!

I was outside Majesty. I watched a guy and a young lady  hold hands together lovingly as they strolled out. It was beautiful out here. The cool breeze swirl my hair slightly with lady gaga's 'just dance' streaming in the background. An aboki was dancing so he didn't even hear the kids running after him to buy ice cream so i signaled him. it was serene and peaceful. i smiled and walked in. "you are late babes" Henry said. "my sincere apologies" he pecked me and sat down. i was still standing. "ah. Aye mi o!!!" To myself though. in Telemundo they use to wait until the lady sits sha. He looked up with a questioning surprise face like, 'you can't still be standing'. I quietly sat down. Before this hunting i use to be out spoken, contributing in conversations of politics, education, gender discourse... said its intimidating. one of the relationship counselors. i missed me but*sigh*. Life!!!

one of the tips of how to keep his interest requires attentiveness so i jacked myself back to present. Psquares 'busy body was playing'. i looked across and some ladies glamorously dressed were sit-dancing and having fun. clapping hands, patting the other while laughing in careless abandon and chatting away. i envied their carefree abandon. Their freedom.  i envied their happiness. Timayas' 'Plantain seller' rolled in while Tiwas 'my darling followed. "baby" Henry tapped me. " i want us to start over okay. a brand new beginning. i know i could be an ass sometimes but we are not perfect. This time around, just the two of us no third party. i promise babes." i desperately wanted to believe him. i looked in his eyes, don't know if its me, but it looked blank. his words felt like a line. told to many i suspect. but i smiled and said "Aw, babyyyy, that's really sweet" i held his face in my palms. the bears need to be cleaned out and i still searched. i just had to believe right? i should act lucky right? having this guy who obviously 'adores me'. "let me use the Lady's okay?" he smiled.

I looked at myself in the mirror. i smiled and touched my cheeks. "you are beautiful"... i turned. not sure if that was me. she smiled. one of the lady's at that  table. "Thanks" i said. "you look surprised" she said. "oh! that!. No. Maybe yes.I really don't know". she just hugged me. "here have my card. call me okay." i smiled and for the first time in a long while it was true. i went back to henry. he smiled and whispered to me, "baby, i want to f**k you bad. i hope we are not doing those your premarital bull shit this time around?" i looked at him with pity. i don't want to be f**k*d but to be made love to like a prize-less jewel, virtuous and valued. That sort of love making where every moment count, every memory triggers fresh feelings, new passion ,adventure, desire where each moan matters. not to be F**k*d for goodness sake!
but now i cleared my throat and asked if we were ready to leave?

"so when do i get my candy?" he asked as we alight in my house. my patience was wearing thin. He simply wants an argument. something am not up for not now, not ever. its crazy right, but i really don't want premarital. it is like asking me to eat unripe peter or kerosene mango. some years ago i had this conversation with my friend who told me she simply hadn't had it because it means the guy won. "I take my kisses once in a while cos i deserve it", she said with her lips tightly held and a sheepish grin on her face. i had just tell her" you crazy girl". it was some sort of game to her. once i remember, we were in class waiting for our lecturer and another friend of ours walks in, we were all so busy doing term paper  assignment that a lecturer had given us, my tightly held lips friend looked at Angela, her bland face, not even a lip gloss, chocolate weave-on un-brushed or oiled, and asked her, "why do you look s*x starved?".... i simply didnt answer. "i will call you okay", i said and entered my house.

"Maya , what is so funny? shes not even watching t.v" i heard that. Zayne is around for a while "am still with the girls". she rolled her eyes and left. Remember those ladies from The Majesty's Kitchen? Olivia and i have become friends. Bella and Ella's closeness kai. wait o.  please,!please! for- the- love- of- God! It isn't what you are thinking.

Will be back shortly.........
                                                         * * * * * * * * * * * *


Just like many start up with right intentions and motives, TIGA DAM located at Kano was created with the intentions of irrigation for farme...