Tuesday 24 September 2019


Image result for lonely heart
        I remember you today as the keke stops by an obituary poster of a 48 years old man. I remember yours read 58. papa do you know how my heart broke, it was in that moment I believed you had died really. I looked at that poster with your picture by the side and it hit me afresh. You in your milk color chinos and coffee brown jacket with your piercing words and dry sarcasm. Your conscious way of greeting and speaking so you don’t say the wrong things, your aloofness whenever you wrap your yellow towel as you proceed to to take your bath in that bathroom that consistently smells of poo. I could sense your deep sadness as though you were a forgotten passer by. sorrow is not a companion anyone would want to have. Did you see how Ake Nico was shouting your name,
Johnnnnnnnnn, Johnnnnnn, ndo, ndo ke fele, welcome home John. oh John, welcome oooooooooo, Johhnnnnnnnnn, it made my soul tear with pains. It was an unbearable kind. I bit into my Benchie’s shoulders and held my heart tightly afraid it was falling off from my body. I know you would have been embarrassed in your usual cynical way. The pain lurks around with every scribble.

        They say before you loose a love one, you do know. It would have been why we had talked that Wednesday and the Thursday where you couldn't send the 5000 for me? papa, do you know how I found out? David called me and said something like,  have I heard and I asked him very quickly,
'papa don die? " he said no but mama Ngozi  called me on Friday of the next week :
'Sarah, I wan tell you something, papa don die'... There was a long pause, then silence then the prolonged scream of my life,  and all my neighbors at villa suite came to Ruth's room. I remember the first sharp pain in my heart. Immediately  I put myself together because I wasn’t sure how long anyone would understand or console my broken heart. Took my bath and proceeded to the church. My next emotion was fear, who will pay my fees, Phil 4 :3 stirred in my heart. I immediately called my boyfriend, yeah I had one then. Do you know he blamed me for not coming to give you that balm I bought for you when I sneaked into kano to visit Ekene, papa he didn't even hug me, we broke up as expected otherwise that will be my first note to you, how like papa, do you know I finally met the love of my life? 
   papa, do you remember Hon. Anthony..., yes, that kind man, God bless his soul, that sheltered me when Auntie chased me away from her wadata residence? do you know he is dead too? papa he is too. I did not believe. I remained in denial for so long and blamed everything and everyone smh. Because in him I saw renaissance parenting where you could invite boys home and get teased about it or when he had take his bag for tennis or stopping by eatery some Sundays after service or his indulgence of ToyToy as I call her, just the general air of freedom that we didn’t have or didn't think we should. it was a difficult period in my life, loosing him. He represented class and exposure in my life. He was far from perfect but i eulogize him. 
         Papa Goddy is dead😭😭😭. Uncle's cries rings in a far distant voice in my heart even till this moment. Papa, this one touched me. I felt more like an onlooker. like I was not entitled to the feeling. As we step into the house, an heavy cloud was upon the atmosphere. 'akor, Goddy, goddy, ubeh bon' Goddy is gone. Auntie cries. Her tears pulls at my heart. Auntie calls him everyday and every other of her kids, her joyous smile the day he was born, a validation of her womanhood, her first and only son. The moment in which he takes his first steps and said his first words. Auntie's Goddy is gone. Ha, if you saw Auntie, my heart, Goddy had a bullet to his chest, some school riot took him away. I never met him. my heart was so broken  for the siblings my cousins ♥️ ♥️ . I still wonder how Auntie is. When the bus conveying Auntie, mama, Monica, Ruth, and the last one truffles to take off, the wailing  😭 of Auntie voice rings deep and every one starts to cry. It registers then as I watch the bus scuffles away, it is the last time , Goddy is never coming back again, then the tears flows, little drops initially then a wailing then a sob then silence and a repeated circle. Death is painful. There is no guarantee when the pain would go. I can still hear her voice saying my life is wasted, my life is wasted, Goddy I would trade places with you. Ah papa, death is painful even more  the death of a young person. Goddy was only 19. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.  
 Rest on. I miss the moment we would have shared. The kindness you would have rob off me. I’m sorry we never met. I’m sorry my heart hurt even after a year. Sometimes I fear I cannot breath but I need you to give way to something new. As Auntie said, this kind does not just go away at once. On the day you remember, you cry afresh. 

      I still remember you lying on the single chair in your kabo yard apartment with your bed against the wall that overlooks weather head katanga, your fridge that constantly smells of indo seed and b-complex and later hypertensive, diabetes and some drugs I can't remember anymore. I remember how you would lye with your leg placed on the other as you engage in deep thoughts, I remember your continual insistence of lack of money whenever I would ask for fees, feeding allowances. I remember your dry sarcastic reply when I said something of online registration and you said,  taking a long sigh,'not only online, its on-land registration.'
   papa, you remember capt. that we use to pray for everyday when we are praying for your installation, do you know he helped me got a job? yes. God bless him. He is such a fine man now. yes I know how that works .😙
    papa, I remember our moment. In that quiet solemn evening, as you lay with your arms across your grey haired chest,with no amount of air sufficient to dry your profuse sweating, you said to me , " don't worry, no matter what, I will pay your fees". papa I have BSC now. yes a degree holder. your own daughter. All these people that they call professors, yes, one taught me and even emeritus. Papa, hey! see when I got introduced to Adichie, it was by a professor. The easy way with which he speaks signals intelligence. His words are greeted by our curious gazes and nods and jottings. His milk color chinos and a jacket , wow. Class! Simplicity! sophistication. Papa some people know book. Prof Akosu is one of those people. Prof. Shittu, Dr Andrew Abah, Nytse, Bagu, Ms Banka, ... papa do you know I speak fluent Received pronunciation of the English language now? yes ooo. Do you also know that I have read over 100  books, yes.  
papa do you know that Martha is now in California? I mean abroad. yes, colonial mentality is still lurking somewhere. but California is California. Happily married. happiness my friend just returned to Nigeria. Yes she was over seas. Papa I and celin stayed best friends, she's managing the lab now. Actually doing a fine job with it.

   Hmm, papa do you know you have 18 grand children now? yes 18. Papa do you know I have finally entered aeroplane? yes oo. I have. let me blow your mind self, it was business class I flew. I didn't even know how to use the seat belt but you know me and coordination na, just did like, do you mind? and she showed me. the quiet Hajiya. see how flew came out of my mouth, I mean who would have thought? Kai there is God somewhere. Gloria, that you will think does not have any emotion, cried the hardest at your death. enen na. You promised her that when she comes back from her last papers, you will submit it where she will get a job, then you went died. It broke her. But, she's a nurse now. yes, a nurse. wears uniform and barely makes up. will you believe that, no make up. true. papa, do you know that Ogwa has finished school? yes. A graduate finally. wow. 
  I know you are surprised as well am I am with my language and all, it was the way I would have wanted to relate and gist you things happening in my life. I miss what I imagine a family to be like. A place of solace and trust, a place of blooming love and genuine concern, a place of intimacy. a place of love! A place of father and mother expressive of emotions. I miss that concern that we never got, I miss the emotions that makes the world revolves. one thing is sure, I miss your intelligence and the whole aura of having a father in the sense of it. 


Just like many start up with right intentions and motives, TIGA DAM located at Kano was created with the intentions of irrigation for farme...